







We support the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people of every race, color, national origin, and income level in issues related to the implementation and enforcement of environmental policies.<\/p>","date":"11\/15\/2021","tags":[]},{"title":"Science, Policy & Risk Perspectives: Sound Science and Transparent Scientific Methods Must Be the Foundation for Cumulative Risk Assessments","link":"\/chemistry-in-america\/news-trends\/blog-post\/2021\/science-policy-risk-perspectives-sound-science-and-transparent-scientific-methods-must-be-the-foundation-for-cumulative-risk-assessments","summary":"

Assessing cumulative risk is a very complex scientific endeavor. In chemical risk assessment policy discussions, cumulative risk is a term generally used to describe co-exposures to multiple chemicals, and\/or non-chemical stressors, from multiple sources.  As you might expect from that description, whether used in regulatory, community-based, or broad disease causation investigation contexts, cumulative risk involves understanding multiple pieces of scientific information to draw conclusions about human health risk.<\/p>","date":"10\/26\/2021","tags":[{"name":"Science, Policy & Risk Perspectives","link":"\/tags\/view\/Issues\/Science%2C+Policy+%26+Risk+Perspectives"}]},{"title":"TSCA: 4 Years Past and Looking Ahead to Future","link":"\/chemistry-in-america\/news-trends\/blog-post\/2020\/tsca-4-years-past-and-looking-ahead-to-future","summary":"

This week marked the four-year anniversary of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) as reformed by the Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (LCSA). This significant update created clear and enforceable requirements and deadlines for EPA to assess both new and existing chemicals through a risk-based review process and increased public transparency for chemical information.<\/p>","date":"06\/23\/2020","tags":[{"name":"TSCA","link":"\/tags\/view\/Issues\/Chemical+Management\/TSCA"}]},{"title":"Honoring Black History and Creating Future Leaders","link":"\/chemistry-in-america\/news-trends\/blog-post\/2021\/honoring-black-history-and-creating-future-leaders","summary":"

Black History Month is an opportunity for people of all races to recognize and honor the incredible accomplishments of black scientists.<\/p>","date":"02\/15\/2021","tags":[]}]" :limit="10">


